
By RichieF


Out paddling with Big Rab again this morning. Conditions were perfect for the crossing to Inchmurrin (The Island of St Mirren). We set off from Duck Bay and headed straight across the wide open stretch between Inchmurrin and the mainland. We continued down the eastern shore of the island, past the 'nudist' colony, no naturists around today though, considering that i scraped the first ice off my car this morning, it doesn't surprise me! At the north eastern end, there is a small sandy peninsula. We decided it would be perfect for breakfast, so we headed there. After refueling, we headed down the western shore to complete the circumnavigation, before making the return to Duck Bay. Rab and I both agreed that it was a brilliant morning's paddling. And once again, I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday morning.

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