Project Oranjer

By oranjer

Wonders of the Universe

As already blipped by needreba, we went out to try our hands at star trails. And with this weekend's blip-challenge theme being WONDER, we both thought it'd make a good entry.

As it was a first effort, I learned a lot. Not least that the darker the place you can find, the better! This wasn't the shot I thought I was going to use, I have a rather different one that I also like but I liked that Polaris is in this one and you can very clearly see the different colours in the stars. I didn't actually know I had Polaris in this photo - it's the stationary star with the others revolving around it. I tried a different shot with exactly this purpose and turned out to have the wrong star in that one so I'm really pleased I'd fluked it earlier!

UPDATE: This is my entry to the Weekend Blip-Challenge. Just for the different coloured stars - they're really amazing.

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