Ed's Blip

By edjackson

Perfect Weather

The weather this morning was perfect - a pure blue sky and quite cold. Coat required, but not after walking for a bit. We went for a walk along the canal and we just kept commenting on how nice it was and why we love this time of year.

Even better - we then went and had some bruch (roll and sausage) at the Boathouse, on the decking by the marina. There's a great breakfast menu there and I think we'll be going there for breakfast a lot more in the future. You generally have to book if you want lunch.

We then went to Broadwood soft play to take Orla to Jake's birthday party. I went round the soft play with Orla (whilst she tried to ignore the other kids) so Anne could chat with her baby group friends. I eventually got her going down the big slide on her own despite refusing outright at the start.

Anne made walnut bread for us to have with some Brie de Meaux for dinner.

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