Fraggle Rock

By frisky

Your just a...

We don't need no education, We dont need no thought control!
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.

All in all you're just another brick in the wall.

Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall

Was out with family unit today, out clothes shopping. Me and the wee man were rewarded with our saint like patience with the girls shopping technique (It seems to involve looking at everything in shop at elast twice apparently) We got 2 new t shirts each, we also got to pick them (From a pre-determined selection obviously to ensure we fit in with the girls ideas)

Then off to nice italian for evening meal and I have finally persuaded the little man that quality of food overides the "ball pit" in some of the pub chains up here (Where the food is badly microwaved from what I can tell). Ones of those meals that makes your taste buds give up somewhere through your lukewarm starter.

After family day out my parents visited - Mum met Stardust for the first time and i think she fell instantly in love with her too :)

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