Writer's Block

By writersblock

The Holy Grail of Wedding Gifts

I'm sooo excited! My parents dropped off my brand new and very shiny Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer today!! They were just the delivery people . . . the gift actually comes from my fabulous siblings - Jen and Andy! Jen, I know you read this so thank you so much!!!

I remember my mom used to have one exactly like this - also in white. I used to help her mix up all kinds of good things in there - cake and cupcake batter, bread, pie dough . . . now I'm looking forward to being able to try some new recipes. My hand held mixer has been useful but can't handle heavy-duty mixing . . . like cream cheese frosting or dough. In fact, the last time I used it it started smoking a bit! I think it's time may have come.

So this has been the highlight of my day ... feeling tired and maybe a little hungover from yesterday (but not too bad). Once I got home mid-day I've been super lazy. Can't wait to go to bed early but not looking forward to this week at work.

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