Through Glass Eyes

By JailBird

In a Blink of an Eye it's Gone

Life is short no matter how long we live it. We ought to esteem time as being precious because we are uncertain of it length. It?s short, but how short? How little of it remains? Never knowing which day is out last. Healthy people may die next month, week, tomorrow, tonight the amount of time we have is unpredictable. Prize your time. Stop putting things off, waiting for a better day. What if you only had a month to live? Life is short; don?t neglect things that are truly important. Have you ever stopped to review your life so far? Were there moments of sadness, happiness, accomplishment?? Philosopher William James once said "the greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will out last it."

Time is so precious because when it is past, it cannot be recovered. Although we regret ever so much that we let it pass and did not use it well while we had it, it will mean nothing. Every part of time is successively offered to us, that we may choose whether or not we will make it our own. There is no delay it will not wait on us to see whether or not we will comply with the offer. If we refuse it, it is immediately taken away and never offered again. As for that part of time that is gone, however we have neglected to use it well; it is out of our possessions and out of our reach, so we need to give some serious thought of how we should used the time we have left.

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