Robert's Journal

By robshoy

Disengaged Fear

I was sick today.

Correction: I felt like shit today. Like complete shit. And I threw up last night. I don't know if it's a virus, like my parents say, or the gigantic amount of fear and stress I'm under. With four things in my life, my family, my academics, my social life, and the play I'm in, all competing for my undivided attention, can you blame me?

This is one of my two cats. She's usually as afraid of the world as possible. I can't even come within 2 feet of her without her freaking the hell out and dashing off somewhere else. Today I found her resting in my closet. And she let me come near her. Usually she's afraid of my very shadow. But she let me pet her. And I don't know why, maybe it's because she was too lazy to be afraid. Either way, she was completely disengaged from her usual self. And I kind of liked it.

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