Club 107

By club107

Tomorrow's lunch tonight - detail of 30.2cm

Always been a fan of the packed lunch, at least I know what I'm eating and I do like to try and spoil the children with something nice. So tonight I was making my sandwich for tomorrow, it was nearly a salad but bread invoked the waste not want not rule 47 in our house, well actually in my world, and sandwich it was/will be, with mozarella, tomatoes, green olives and basil.

Rather worryingly skimming back over photos I have taken, there is an astonishing percentage which are food related in one way or another, maybe I need to see some food/photographic psychologist on the subject of 'why I take so many photos of things I eat'. On the whole people are patient when they see me getting the camera out in restaurants.

It was a dreich day and I was sad to see no sunlight after yesterday's Indian summer style glory, goodness we even ate dinner in the garden.

Oh the brilliant thing I discovered with this image's treatment (I think only the second I have color modified) was the beauty of the White Balance functionality in Lightroom. Now why didn't I think of that before.

Homework with girls was good, child #2 listening and improving writing and very happy with praise, child #1 violin, definite progress and the audio book was even released from confiscation quarantine. Despite the guff weather, a very nice day.


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