
By dailykeith

Mug shot

I bet you're thinking, 'I didn't know Costa served cappuccino in special mugs'.

Well, this is actually made with my own fair hands - or rather, by my super duper espresso machine.

Circumstances prevented a concerted blip effort today, so it had to be a shot of my life-support systems - coffee and The Guardian - rolled into one.

I certainly need the coffee. I've been wrestling with contents insurance quotes and it is a nightmare. How do I know whether our apartment block has 10 per cent flat roof or 20%, or 30%, or 40%, or 50% or above? Has it got a thatched roof? Well, what do you think? A 21st century apartment block with the rustic touch? Yeah, very likely!

And I've been checking our Mi-Fi. No, I hadn't heard of it either until a few days ago. It's a sort of mobile broadband router, in case you wondered.

It makes me weary just thinking about the research into these things. At the end of the week, we'll be in our new flat and it will all be sorted.

In the meantime, I'd better wake up and smell the coffee.

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