In Tru Life

By TruLife

I can take a bottle!

Not a great picture today as I forgot my camera! I know blip rookie mistake! But this is from my phone so it's not too sharp... however it's of Floriana drinking a whole bottle of follow on milk by herself!

I used to give Floriana a bottle at night and she slept very well with the full tummy it gave her however she started to refuse the breast more and more and became super-fussy, needing to be rocked whilst feeding which was tough! I realised she liked the constant flow of the bottle and could no longer stand waiting for the let down. She would lift her little fist up high and come down with a punch on my breast which was sore and also a bit hurtful as you are trying to do something nice (not that she meant it of course)!

So I stopped and things improved overnight (after an initial screaming tantrum the first night), but now I want her to have a bottle as she isn't taking very much milk from me any more. Whenever we are out the house, Flori takes next to or absolutely nothing which could be all day as she seems to like quiet while breastfeeding. Too much sensory overload irritates her and she just wants quiet darkness to relax. The longest one is the dream feed as she's half asleep, and that won't be around much longer. I also would love a little freedom to be able to have the odd night out.

So yesterday I tried giving her a bottle after she refused one from me as we were at a friend's. She played with it mostly and I thought, here we go, she is now going to point blank refuse to take a bottle! But this afternoon I took one out with me and while at the club for Maddy's gymnastics, I handed it to Floriana. She seemed to love chewing on it as it's a soft (most-like-mother) latex teat. Then she realised milk was coming out and rather than refuse it she seemed to like it! Yippee, I then watched as she happily drank nearly the whole bottle! Good girl!

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