Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Pool View

I ventured into new territory today. I get so tired of walking the same streets. I decided to follow Willow Branch Avenue in a northerly direction. After 15 minutes or so, I gained the distinct impression that I was probably in an area where I should not have been, at least not on foot. But we British are renowned for being intrepid and fearless, not to stay stupid. :-)

Eventually I emerged on Rosselle Street and discovered business premises, including the marvellously named Blue Buddha Exotic Foods. I also discovered that I had ended up almost walking a complete circle.

My new territory gave me one shot of a mechanic working on a car outside an auto repair shop but given that I featured cars yesterday, it lost out to this shot of reflections in a pool caused by last night's heavy rain.

It was a tough call on which one to choose but the chief arbiter went for the pool and the reflection of the power pole and power cables. It does possess a kind of eerie quality that I preferred over the more prosaic repair shop shot.

B&W conversion with Silver Efex Pro in Photoshop CS3.

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