A Critical Eye... Or Six
Charles Kegley, Rex White, and Thomas Moser analyzing furniture entered into the Eighth Annual Texas Furniture Makers Show in Kerrville Texas. This was the morning after the show was judged and awards were give out. The show organizer, Jim Derby, has had this tradition of the morning after crit. It's an informal meeting of the judges (pictured) talking about not only the winning entries, but also any piece by any of the woodworkers who wants input.
It is a valuable and rare addition to a furniture show, and one I think I can take a little credit for. I judged the show the second and third years and, because of my academic background, was all too happy to talk about my judging decisions with the entrants. That had a lot of positive feedback and Jim is dedicated to making this show something special so he has made it part of the show.
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