Another Day

By pcc

Breathalyzer Test.

This morning, 11.20 am, coming back from town, I was stopped by the police, as was every other car on the road, and breathalyzed. I could not believe it - but you will be pleased to know that I passed with flying colours. Stopped further up the road, and decided it may be a good blip for the day. Bit of a shame I have not got much action, and only the backs of the Police, but you get the general idea of what happens.
I loved the way the blossom was flying in the air all around them - here you can only see it on the roadway.

PS I have got to say I had not been keeping track and did not realise that it was my 200th Blip - never mind now I do not have to think of trying to find a 200th one now

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