a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

Trying to stay dry...

It's been a rainy, blustery day today. Severe thunderstorms are on their way this afternoon!

I waited until there was a break in the rain and ran outside with my camera to try to find something interesting in our yard. I was really striking out. I walked along the stone wall as I was heading inside, when this little fellow caught my attention!

I'm not sure what he is officially called, but was he ever furry!! He was crawling on a leaf that had landed on the wall!! He had a few little droplets of water stuck to his hair.

Hope that wherever you are, you are having nicer weather than we are here!!

Just wanted to share a little bit of an email from Jacks teacher...she sent it last night and I was just beaming, full of pride for my little guy!

....I am so very happy that Jack enjoys school, he is really a doll and I wish I could keep him in my class forever! He has wonderful manners and always follows directions. He is really a great role model for the other children. I often use his behavior to comment on as to what is appropriate in school. I have gotten a few more 'I love you' and 'I really like you and so do the other kids' from him!"

When I told Jack that I was very proud of him, his response was, "I'm really proud of you too Momma!"

:):):):):):):) You can probably feel my happiness across the globe!

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