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By LovePopcorn

Sunrise in San Diego

In the midst of our record breaking HEAT WAVE, the mountains to the east of San Diego are predicted to have Thunderstorms and possibly some rain (if it doesn't evaporate before it hits the ground!)
As a result of those cloud formations, the sunrise while I was walking the Husky was breathtaking.
It was all soft grays and blue, palest yellow and barely orange tinted pinks.  
By the time I got home from the walk and climbed up on the rooftop with camera in hand, the colors were these vibrant oranges and fiery yellows, that made the treetop silhouettes really stand out.  
This is the best one (with the least amount of light poles, telephone poles/wires, and man-made structures cluttering the view).  I like it so much that perhaps I will try to paint this view after my other class projects.

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