Escaping Erebus

By Escaping_Erebus


"How many acres, how much light,
Tucked in the woods and out of sight?
Talk to the neighbours and tip my cap,
On a little road barely on the map."

- Feist, Mushaboom


Great song, in love with the video too. Check it out. Flying toast!!! Get the flying toast! teehee! :o)

You know, it's funny just HOW MUCH changing your white balance can affect a photo. These two images were taken only seconds apart. I'm partial to warm colours lately.

This is my backyard, and my view from my window every morning. I don't take the beauty of it for granted, but I sure do miss the forest that used to lay there. Seemed like endless acres when I was a kid. A marvelous escape lay in wait outside my fence. But, they tore my wooded playground down, ripping the first tear between my childhood and adulthood. I wonder if they even looked at my lean-to before stomping their perverbial boots on top of it...

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