
Warldorf: What photo is that Statler?
Statler: Its Rain by 365 Digitised, he has just won the Unstaged competition.
Waldorf: That's a great image Statler. Well done to 365 Digitised. What about our man BS?
Statler: He got second,
Waldorf: Will he get a big head over it Statler?
Statler: No, he has one already, have you not seen his photo?
Waldorf: I am glad he didn't win Statler!
Statler: Why is that Waldorf?
Waldorf: He would have become obnoxious.
Statler: He is that already Waldorf.
Waldorf: Hehehe, you're right Statler on that score, but he would have become worse, if that is possible.
Statler: A big thank you to 365 Digitised for saving us from that.

Big congratulations to everyone who entered the competition and thanks to everyone who voted for Indomitable Spirit. The effort the young person in the photograph put into dragging the wheelchair back as the tide came in was a heart-warming experience that I was lucky enough to capture.

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