Skip's Blips

By Skip

Busy day!

What a day...

~Finally we had rain, and it lasted almost all day. Hallelujah! We needed rain badly.
~I was invited out to a delicious lunch with friends.
~Of course, I ate way too much, and had great chocolate cake for dessert.
~The drive to the restaurant in Akron took an hour, but it gave me time to talk with
my friend who was doing the driving.
~Another hour for the ride home
~Then, after an hour or two of downloading and processing pictures, I went out
to supper with Bob because HE was hungry, and I hadn't had time to go to
the grocery store over the past four days.
~After we ate, we finally went to the store and stocked up for the rest of the week.
~Now I am home and ready to post my blip for today.

That was my day. It makes pretty boring reading, I know, but it was a good day...especially the lunch, both food and conversation. Oh, and the picture is the lunch bunch...ladies who all went to Kent State University together a few many years ago. Sitting here in front of my computer, listening to the rain pitter-pattering on the roof, is a good way to end this busy day, so I'll say goodnight.

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