Dodge'y Blips

By RachelD

Nature meets tate modern

It's wet, it's damp, its chilly. But i still refuse to put the heating on!

I've been cleaning... rare thing ;) i've scrubbed, disinfected and sorted all the kitchen cupboards. Just got todo on top of them when Aaron comes home cause i can't reach. The kitchen is looking rather bare now :S Can't wait to get some colour on the walls. It looks like i've just moved in atm.

Had a run in with the tax credits this morning, i owe them money? umm don't think so! they are going to redo things and send me out a new letter... i should think so too! bloomin place, they really should get a better system up and running!

I don't feel like hunting around for an animal blip today.. you could have ended up with a picture of my dog looking so fed up she has her hand on her cheek and i swear she looks like she is sighing at me lol

ho hum, back to the grindstone i guess.

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