Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack

Agnes the Spider!!!!

And cockroaches, and a centipede, and a snake, and giant snails AND A RAT!!!!!

These are the creatures that "Ross the ZooLab man" brought into playgroup today. What a star! He had 22 pre-schoolers enthralled. They listened, they laughed, NOBODY threw a wobbly, and a fab time was had by all.

I may have run and hid in the toilets removed myself from the scene when he got the rat out. I don't 'do' things with tails :o

Did you know? ....... Tarantulas can attack you with their hair!!!!

"You would think that the venom laden fangs were enough to worry about, but it turns out that some species can also launch a mist of microscopic, barbed urticating hairs into your eyes, skin, and lungs; causing intense irritation. "
Anthropoda Sept 2010.

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