Katie, welcome to Starbucks

15 weeks + 5

A very important moment in Katie's life today. She experienced Starbucks for the first time. She was suitably impressed. Although she was more impressed that the friend, I was meeting, Helen, had brought a belated Christmas present for Katie, a white duck which she was quite taken with.

We took Katie round the sights of York, introducing her to the important things..... the Minster, the Shambles, the Fudge Kitchen, the Peter Rabbit shop, Starbucks, the Gap.

I was very excited as I finally managed to buy a pair of bright pink leggings for her, to match a hoody that she had no trousers to match, due to her growing!

After the shopping trip, and a couple more small purchases "for Katie to grow into", we all headed up to visit a friend in hospital, so she could meet Katie for the first time. She'd got lots of presents for Katie too. A good day on the gift front, a great day on the friends front!

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