The Philosopher's Wife

By philosophywife


One of our local churches does a MEGA Children's Consignment sale twice a year, and if you volunteer to help with it, you can shop early.

So this evening as it was dumping buckets outside, I sorted stacks and stacks of clothes and toys and every other child thing you can imagine, and then proceeded to spend $98 on baby stuff. Some of which is pictured here.

I tried to make sure everything I got was reasonably priced (I got a Bjorn for $20, a Pack and Play for $20, and a baby bouncy seat thingy for $4) and tried not to go too crazy... since we don't know what we're having, it makes it a little more challenging to get clothes, for example. The problem is we need EVERYTHING so it's hard to even know where to start.

In any case, I think this baby is going to be wearing a lot of plain white onesies for a few months.

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