Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


Double school run. Callum running around again with his bare pot belly peeking out at the sensory table. Reuben still unhappy with the drop off but quickly recovers. Home to the building works being passed by the inspector. Good news. The boys can move upstairs to their new bedroom and inspired by a recent Blip, I picked up some great new frames yesterday. Picked up this funky wool rug for a splash of colour for the room with the letters Reuben's been playing with in the bath, religiously organising them ABC around the rim, whilst Callum lines up his 6 plastic squeezy trains so they're all facing the same direction and looking very smart.

PS Posting this late in the hope it'll go unnoticed. So quickly taken and no time to process but if you're reading, then perhaps you'd like to see these:

Backblip: As you are (July)
Backblip: A little helping hand (July) and more on the true significance of hands in my children's lives

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