Master Mariner

By MasterMariner

Bell-bottomed Trousers

This is Enggang, our bosun. He is supposed to be on the plane on his way back home to Malaysia now, where his pregnant wife is waiting for him. His relieve is stuck somewhere on Kuala Lumpur airport and did not show up. Enggang has to stay another week and apparently his (always) good mood is not affected by this news. Joanna Colcord wrote a Shanty about Enggang his fate as soon as he gets home. It is called Bell-bottomed trousers and its from the 'Songs of American Sailormen'

Oh, if you have a daughter, bounce her on your knee,
But if you have a son, send the bastard off to sea.
Bell-bottomed trousers, coat of navy blue,
Let him climb the rigging as his daddy used to do.

I prefer him to have a son, we're in a desperate need for bosun's like Enggang

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