nogbad's blips

By nogbad

Per ardua.....

Very tired today. Went to bed at a sensible time to be awoken by the phone at midnight. Needed to get up to deal with a problem and then couldn't get back to sleep so feeling zombified today.

Cal is still staying and he brought his new XBox (it's better then the previous one apparently) and he showed me round some bits of Halo Reach before thrashing my Audi with his souped-up Mini around the Iberian circuit. Then we had to collect a parcel from the post office in Maidstone and we needed some little bits and pieces from Tesco. The centre of Maidstone was grid-locked so we headed out to Laybourne only to find that the Tesco brand pink grapefruit squash was out of stock so we didn't need to go to Tesco and could have gone into Sainsbury's which is much closer. Anyways. In all this I didn't have a photograph to blip and he'd already made it clear that he wasn't going to be a model so we came back via Barming and I went down to the 12th C church for a quick look around.

I've still got to sort the rest of the images but I wanted to use this one to carry on the theme of the RAF and the sacrifice of young men and women, of all nations, in the folly of war. This is the grave of Walter John Trice. He was an air bomber in the RAF Volunteer Reserve and he died on 3rd March, 1945 at the age of 22. His parents were Walter and Elsie Trice of Maidstone. [This info from [url=]The War Graves Photographic Project[/url]].

It really does put traffic jams into perspective doesn't it?

....... ad astra

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