A Dog's Dinner

By G

A Stolen Saturday

I woke up with a start this morning with my phone shrieking in my ear, well ringing in that old American tone that makes you think you've walked into the set of I Love Lucy.

It turns out it was a wrong (Blocked) number but it did give me a bit of a fright and I felt like my Saturday morning had been stolen from me. Completely irrational I know, but I was really looking forward to a long lie this morning.

So it was up, had a cup of tea, a read and another snooze. Fine but not the real thing.

The rest of the day was spent walking on the beach, where me met this boy and his dad out for a stroll, lots of other dogs and thousands of oyster shells. I'm predicting a new Forth Oyster Festival in fifty years time.

It's a pity I won't be around to have a dozen or so - I must remind Bella to go.

Now dinner, movie and a read of the new book, Obama's War which pretty scary but fascinating.

Big Boy

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