16 weeks + 6

We had a really nice day with Aunty Jemma and Elliot today. The babies had a good play in the morning, they have a fantastic gym and mat that Katie was extremely taken by.

We went off for a trip to a pretty little village. First port of call was Starbucks - hurrah - before exploring some lovely shops. The children of course ended up with a new toy each, Katie's is a giraffe on a very long spring that bounces up and down. She thinks its wonderful.

We were hunting for a nice place to get lunch, trying several places to no success. One place outright turned us away because of the babies. We only had one pram, Katie was in the sling but no, we were to go elsewhere. We found a lovely church cafe, in a converted church hall, with kind people, lots of space and great portions for good prices, definitely more up our street than the mean people who'd turned us away!

That evening, my grandparents and my uncle and his girlfriend came round. Grandad had wanted to take us all out for dinner, but it just wasnt' going to work with the babies, so he went and bought fish and chips all round!

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