jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Ben, Bed

That is what Ben said when he saw this picture.

Bit spoilt for choice today, took this one of Steve and Ben, which I was quite pleased with, and then also this one of Steve, which he's quite pleased with too - it doesn't show the (supposed) receding hairline which he is obsessively worried about.

Had one of those mornings where time just runs away from you. Mainly because we didn't want to get up, and Ben did. He has developed a habit the past few days of sort of waking up around 6am ish, faffing around switching from boob to boob and not settling down enough for me to fall asleep again, and eventually at 8 o'clock I give in to his demands for breakfast and we stumble downstairs in pyjamas. Ok so for most of you 8am is a lie in, for most parents I imagine 6am is a bit of a lie-in too, but for someone who is used to a properly sleepy Ben til 8.30am, this is a shock to the system. Which I'm not too impressed about, and am hoping it is a "phase"! ThisTooWillPass, as my mummy friends and I say with frequent regularity.

So, church, and home, and nap, and food, and supposed-to-be-tidying, and skyping my dad for his birthday (oh my goodness but Ben loves an audience) (gone are the days where Ben would sit all angelic on my lap as we skyped the grandparents), and now it's time to make dinner. Already! At least it would be time, but we can't decide what to have. It's a choice between beef casserole, and possibly sausage casserole.

Maybe it'll just be roast potatoes, a bit of sliced cold meat which was intended for sandwiches, and sweet potato chips....

Tummy rumbling. Whatever we have, it'd better be soon...

Edited - just thought I'd link to hubby's blip of me!

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