Spirited of London

By Spirited

Songs of Praise

It's Sunday and in a five minute break in the rain I went with my husband to worship at the altar of conspicuous consumption. How depressing! Someone's stolen my fashion mojo. I tried to buy something but everything's so generic, so samey! Oh to live in the North Laines of Brighton with all the little pokey shops. It certainly does have beautiful buildings here but nothing of interest inside. I see the beautiful beamed building with the fantastic staircase is being turned into a Next :-( ( Hell and damnation) and they're opening a Hollister in the shopping centre next to Superdry. I say BACK OFF CALIFORNIA! We don't want your pretty shop assistants who say "Hey There". We are ENGLISH!

So no new clothes for me but managed to drop some change on books. Books books books books. I love you books.

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