Club 107

By club107

I'm beginning to see the lights

Quite an unusual day today, for a Sunday, things were going remarkably well, not that they don't go wrong in general. I guess it is the approaching week, finishing off homework, tidying etc which normally taints the end of the weekend.

Amongst other things today I repaired a violin, helped with violin practise, did a trip to dump for some unrecyclables, bought a variety of DIYish things, replaced bulbs, did usual washes, made corn on the cob and bought some essential cheese supplies, stocks are low in the house, in fact what have we tonight necessitating such an outing, walks to fridge. In no particular order, cheddar, emmental, brie, Mexicana, more older brie, paneer, feta, manchego, camembert, more older cheddar, more older manchego (can you see a pattern here?), cheddar with peppercorn/garlic, boursin and some gorgonzola.

Amazing how one's mind wanders, we really need mozarella and parmesan, well we did for tonight's meal. That is one embarassing selection of cheese, it will all be eaten, of that there is no doubt. Maybe a future blip shall be, The cheeses in my fridge.

Went to see brother in law to wish him a three week belated birthday. This picture is the light fitting in his extended³ extension, yes it has been extended 4 times.

Very productive day, no art galleries in sight but maybe next week.


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