taken for being there

By fabiendumais

Hipsters sticker, or to care about not caring

To take part of subculture, to criticize mainstream thoughts and norms, are healthful habits for a society, if it is supported by meliorism ethics. The "I don't care" attitude is, in this sense, critical about ideologies that determine what is normal and good: "I don't care" about stereotyped or biased rules of normality. The authenticity is more important than the appearance of things. And this attitude can be shown in the clothing styles, in music choices, etc. We can see this in the "hipster" counter-culture.

But there's a feedback effect, as many counter-movement lived it: the eventual integration of clothing style, for exemple, by peoples that somewhat adhere to some values, but especially want to be part of a community, so they "apply" on themselves a sticker, the "hipsters sticker" I call it. So they now care about appearances, but here's a question: when is it time to distance oneself from general norms of its community, to look at it in a mirror?

Everybody wants to be loved by others...

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