
By Echo

Profiteroles-- Assignment21

I bought these today for after our family meal tomorrow and was reminded of what we now call them.
A number of years ago we were travelling to Scotland with some friends and had a two night stop over in an Hotel just off the M6 near Carlisle so we could go and look at Hadrian's Wall and some other ancient sites.
We decided to eat at the hotel's restaurant. After the starter and main course we thought we could just about manage a sweet.
The young waitress duly arrived and proceeded to read out the list of sweet available.Having gone through the usual list of gateaux ,trifle and cheese cake she came to her last item "Pavarotti's Balls."
There was a stunned silence.
" Pavarotti's Balls ?"exclaimed one of our friends.
"Yes" replied the young girl.
"Let me see" said Colin.

"Pofiteroles" he read.

"I'll kill that Chef" she shrieked turning all shades of pink and red.

" It is my first day today and when I asked the Chef how that name was pronounced he told me Pavarotti's Balls"

So now you know what they are called in both our households. We always laugh about it when they appear on a menu.

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