Planko's Pics

By planko

Divide and Conker

Took a late lunch today and went for a walk with Pesky Princess who was suffering a serious dose of cabin fever being stuck in the house without her brother who's still at School until Friday.

Went looking for Conkers and after a while found a spot that no one seems to visit which had masses of them all over the ground.

Pesky has a massive phobia of spiders and heard somewhere that they supposedly hate the smell of conkers, so we're giving it a go to see if it's true or not!

It was probably listening to this news story that put the idea in our heads. Absolutely bonkers! No wonder this country has no money....

By the time i took this, the natural daylight was almost gone, so played around with some lighting. Yet another thing to learn. I think this turned out OK. I was trying to get a shadow under each one. Just need to figure out how to reduce the white glare...


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