Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Journalism Fantastico

Some days I just want to read absolute rubbish. So today I spent the grand total of £1.20 (which is less than my monthly Psychologies) and was thoroughly entertained for a solid hour. It's been years and years since I read anything like it and even then I'm pretty sure it was in a doctors surgery. But I have to admit, they provide fleeting entertainment. I read about such compelling people as:

A bridesmaid who ran off with the mother of the brides life savings
A husband who killed his wife who left him
A couple who were accused of giving their child shaken baby syndrome
A guy who staged a fake birthday party to prove he wasn't committing a crime on CCTV
A nurse in Singapore who wore rubber breasts so he could feel up a patient
A woman who aborted her baby because she couldn't handle the morning sickness
A fit guy who is only attracted to women he can 'feed up' and won't date anyone smaller than a 20...

And many many more...

Some hilarious. Some tragic. But all 'screw your face up with shock' worthy...

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