Jake's Journal

By jakethreadgould


Seems like the hairstyles portrayed in Shane Meadow's This is England '86 are still very much alive in London's trendy Brick lane. This former Bangladeshi ethnic area as grown into an area of student bohemianism and vintage fashion. Les Bobos (Bohemian Bourgeoisie), trendies, hipsters whatever you want, have since moved into the area. Brick lane hasn't lost its Asian roots, though, and the streets are still lined with amazing curry shops and ethnic markets.

The only difference is that a couple of pairs of skinny jeans, quiffy hair-cuts and heavily judging eyes of the wannabe fashionistas have been thrown in the mix.

It interests me how areas like this become bohemian. They often start pre-dominantly ethnic but evolve into a student hang-out. A place for art, music and fashion.

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