Nicola Picola

By nicolapicola

Vitality - or lack of

After last night's drinking session, the boyf and I were in hangover central. But my main issue is always the hunger. Unlike most, I NEED to eat if I feel sick. Food settles my stomach and makes me feel like a real human being again. Mmmm, lovely lovely food... I digress...

So anyway, at 7.30am I felt my tummy growl. I really needed to go back to sleep, else the day was going to be a write-off. But then the idea of a McDonalds's breakfast slowly crept into my mind. And once it was there, there was no getting rid - so I gave a half-awake Paul a little nudge...

He was not impressed with me bringing him out of his slumber, but we got dressed and made our way to the square for 8am. Then, horror! - Maccy D's wasn't open for another hour. So, we were forced to walk and walk and walk around the Dam feeling worse and worse and worse.

After what felt like the longest hour of our lives, we were practically banging on the door come 8.55am and were devastated to discover they didn't offer the sausage and egg McMuffin we had been dribbling over - only the bacon. And if that wasn't bad enough, the hash brown was replaced by a CROISSANT. Pfft. We wanted our food dirtier than that!

But despite our food failure and my severe absent mindedness, these early morning scenes did not escape making an impact on me - helping to keep me revitalised for the afternoon ahead.

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