jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Just seeing how much contrast I can get away with. :)

Was not really in the mood to socialise this morning, just too tired generally. Managed to climb out of the wrong side of bed all by my self today - Ben slept til 8ish on and off, let me snooze, didn't faff around; basically I had no excuse for my mood this morning.

Ben was glad to escape our four walls though and so we went off to tots. He enjoyed himself, I met up with the mummy of a child that Ben used to see at nursery - in 3 weeks' time he'll get to see him again, when they turn 2 they are no longer considered babies, and get to go downstairs and play with the big kids! I'm glad I wasn't just being majorly unobservant (which was quite possible) - I really hadn't seen this kid since Christmas, which is when he turned 2 and left the babies' rooms. So I have a new friend :) which is always very nice!

My mood has definitely improved, thankfully. I don't think the rain helps though.

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day... Please can we have a sky like noodlepix's tomorrow?

I have so may jobs I need to get done, I need to get into town, and make dinner, and go to the supermarket, and there just aren't enough hours left in the day once you take away time at toddler groups, time spent making and eating lunch (lunch was a quick fix today, neither of us felt like waiting for the oven to heat up) time spent waiting for Ben to go to sleep, time spent waiting for Ben to wake up... Life revolves around Ben and whilst this is not necessarily a bad thing, it's inconvenient sometimes. Or maybe I just need to be a bit more organised, and go to bed earlier, and wake up refreshed, and feel more able to get up and go rather than wishing for a break so I can get my head back together.

I get to go out this evening. The first of many, I hope. Every Tuesday evening until near Christmas, I can go and sing with the community choir, and leave Ben and Steve to have some (hopefully) quality Father And Son time together. I hope they have a good time - I hope I do too!

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