A learning process
We were surprisingly chipper and early rising today, after the excesses of last night. Turns out my College does breakfast! Who knew? Anyway, we didn't go, being destined for the weightier fare of the famous St Giles Cafe (definitely to be pronounced kaff, not kafay). We used to go sometimes on Sunday 'mornings' while at college for a weekly blow out meal. Being veggie I didn't get so much out of the 'full breakfast' experience, but I remember the chips and fried eggs being epic. This morning when we arrived, we were told quite firmly "No chips". "No chips till lunch". Only later (actually weeks later, while backblipping this) I realised that probably that had always been the case - we just used to arrive for breakfast after the 12 noon chip pan was put on.
So we ate and then hung out in the sunshine chatting and bemoaning the fact that we'd all forgotten to take photos of us all the night before looking lovely. After everyone left to go their separate ways, Mr B went to collect the car from the lovely Kwik Fit man, and I was allowed 15 precious minutes to wander about in the sunshine taking photos of the amazing buildings that I used to walk by without a second's thought.
This hen seemed to be wandering about all alone, we'd passed her after leaving the cafe and she was similarly bedecked but alone then.
The long drive home to Northumberland seemed extra long today. Lots of stops for rubbish coffee on route, and I was even allowed to drive the beast, err, car for the last few hours. Finally, home to mam, dad and the kids and to repacking for the big journey tomorrow.
I'm very lucky with where I went to university. Not everyone enjoys it, I did; not everyone makes the most of the opportunity, I certainly didn't. But looking around the reunion dinner and seeing my husband and all (bar one who was too young to be there) of my kids' godparents, I think I took a lot more from the place than I gave (a 2ii). And felt the huge gap of time between the person I was then, and the one I am now. Wouldn't it be fun to do it all again? And wouldn't we do it so much better?
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