
I've been meaning to sign up for our local FreeCycle group so I have an outlet for hardware clearouts.

If you didn't know, FreeCycle is based on the premise that instead of taking unwated items to the dump, you effectively recycle them by offering them for free to others that may be looking for that thing.

It's all based on moderated internet message groups and as I found out today, works really well. I logged on and found a woman looking for a computer desk. Ijust happened to have 2 desks and a computer chair. Within 24 hours Bethany's room is sans chair and 1 desk and I've not had to adjust the back seats of the car to fit a load of crap in.

I'm now seeing if I can punt the other desk and an artificial christmas tree that comes with it's own postcode.

This Acer tree my mum gave us for an anniversary is causing me much blip issues. I tried 3 times today to get a decent picture of it but the light just didn't work right. I almost had it the last time when the sun reflected off one of the bedroom windows directly onto it but I still couldn't manage it and had to resort to a wee touch of Photoshop colour and brightening.

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