The Poss

By PossMan

Rosemarkie Cliffs

This morning went to my appointment at the diabetic clinic. Feels a bit like the old school reports except I don't have to answer to mum and dad any more. Then it was more work, now it's ...... more work or exercise. So this afternoon off to Rosemarkie and a quick walk along the path which runs eastward just above the almost deserted beach. These are the cliffs with Moray Firth to the right and Black Isle to the left. Got to the first of several "caves" at the base of the cliffs and turned back as it started to rain. Thought I would get soaked to the skin but it eased off. Trying to get a better shot of the cave itself I cut my thumb on a bramble - nothing much but blood everywhere including the camera. Memo to self - add "plaster" to my list of things to take on outings.

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