
By misterbee

The Glen

Pittencrieff Park - Dunfermline

I'm first to put the boot into what a disater some aspects of Dunfermline are.

Today I reminded myself of one of the jewels in the crown for the town. This place is a brilliant park and a beautiful early evening autumn stroll was enjoyed by the Birrells.

Close inspection would show a partial ruin to the left middle of the large building which is the remains of The Royal Palace which stood when Dunfermline was the capital of Scotland (not yesterday...)

The large building you see is Dunfermline Abbey. The most important moment in its history for me was when Mrs B and I were married there over 10 years ago.....and never a crossed word. Apologies to Robert the Bruce for overlooking him here.

Edinburgh Zoo yesterday too - didn't take camera doh - but took Ross and Anna on a brave 5 hours out of the house experience without a safety net (Mrs B at home getting the place ready for friends). Managed to get the correct number of children home without any serious psychological damage or personal injury.

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