Closer to one
Continuing the theme of yesterday, the number-mangling veered a little off the track that the client is paying for and parked on a side road counting cars. And pretty good it was at it too - a very handy 0.93.
Lunch at the mosque was sporktastic and forking delicious, resulting in all the problems of the world being sorted before the channa massala was done. And then it was back to the numbers. The afternoon's numbers were nearly as interesting as the morning's but it's hard to top a 0.93 and I had to settle for a 0.86. I realise, of course, that this makes no sense to anyone and I could, for all anyone knows, just be making them up. Which, in a way, I am. That's the whole point. To make numbers where none exist.
Anyway, Ewan's parent evening tonight. It turns out that he's an intelligent wee boy who grasps things but gets bored easily and often doesn't pay attention. Sounds familiar. Thrash him and stop his pocket money, that's what I say.
This is the National Gallery of Scotland at early doors this morning. The sun was just creeping over the tops of the builidngs up on the bridges and was kissing the front of the castle. It was just starting to catch the pavement. A nice way to start the day.
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