In Tru Life

By TruLife

Bouncy Girls

Not only does big sister Madeleine love to jump on the trampoline, little sis Floriana enjoys bouncing in her bouncer too! I couldn't decide on one picture (I took hundreds!) so have made a triptych out of 3 of my favourites. The first I tried to change the settings to see some movement and love the foot leaving the floor, the second I love her concentrating face and the levitating soother, and the third includes fellow bouncer Maddy! Hope it looks OK as I am new to this!

Had quite a productive day and must congratulate myself when I get things done rather than berate myself for what I didn't get done! I had to make loads of phone calls and did so that was one thing out of the way! I didn't manage swimming but am going to take Flori tomorrow while Maddy does her lesson. Madeleine managed to get her homework done against all odds! And she got to trampolining while baby crawled about the floor saying "hello" to everyone... cutie!

I am so proud of Flori's eating at the mo and after yesterday eating cheesy pasta, courgettes, and peas galore all by herself, today she ate haddock in breadcrumbs and rice and vegetables. Oh and for lunch she had some of my spicy lentil soup with added cous cous to thicken! I don't think I'll have a fussy one there! Yey!

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