
By flying


Exciting day - Mum and I discovered some Pukeko families and chicks.
First time either of us had seen them but unfortunately they were in the middle of a lake amoungst the reeds so were very difficult to see properly.

The Pukeko is a native of New Zealand. It is a deep blue with a black head and underparts. The white undertail is flickered with every step. The bill and shield are scarlet, the eye red and the legs and feet are orange - red. The call is a loud unmusical screech.

This parent was pecking at the bark of the tree for ages. They feed mainly on swamp and pasture vegetation. Also insects, spiders, frogs, small birds and eggs.

It was quite a discovery and my point and shoot was stretched to its max. Not a crisp clear image but one that gives you the general idea of the bird, chick and their environment. Theres not a hope of seeing this nest!

Otherwise a quiet day, bit of shopping with lovely company, thanks Mum :))

Enjoy the weekend!

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