Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

A Different View...

Had an hour to kill in Londontown before heading back today, and was keen not to spend it sitting in Kings Cross train station. Coming away from my meeting, I must have looked pensive as I got to the tube station, as the very kind man on the gate asked if I was lost!

I explained I was just wondering what to do with my extra time, and he said "How about the Houses of Parliament and all that malarkey? It's just round the corner." When I explained I'd been before he said "Fair enough, but why not walk round it the OTHER way, see what you see?" Brilliant. It was such a superb answer, that's exactly what I did - and it was a genius suggestion. Rather than heading for Big Ben and the river, I went in the opposite direction, and was rewarded with all kinds of new sights, including this wonderful charging nobleman (St George?).

What a brilliant man...such a gift he gave me today. Words to live by I reckon...

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