What a Tangled Web We Weave
So...last night the weatherman - my favourite, Rob McElwee, was on. I should have known why! Anyway Rob tells us there is high pressure moving up from the south, a low trying to get in from the north but that the net result for Scotland will be cloud in the east and sun in the west.
Fine we thought, cloudy but mild. Not bad for October (forgetting it was Rob the harbringer of doom!)
So the morning dawned. Well thats not exactly true. 7 am arrived and I roused from slumber IN THE DARK!!!
The clouds were in fact touching the ground and so heavy with moisture that the air was damp and gave off an persistent dampening ineffectual drizzle. So much more moist than a sharp burst of rain. This persisted for the entire day*
The picture is a spider's web, saturated in the front garden. How much moisture can one web take. The spider is elsewhere keeping dry.
* You may wonder at mine and indeed the Scots nation's fascination with weather. Come live here for a year and you will see how it shapes our lives :D
Have a good weekend :)
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