Senior Prom Dance

Anrie's brother, Hendrick, bought his suit, tie, hat and shirt for his Prom Dance on 15 October. He came from Pretoria, where they bought it today, with his mother, to fetch Anrie tonight. I convinced him to bring it in and try it on for us! What a treat! He is such a sport! We had a lot of fun with him modelling for us! I liked this picture most, he grabbed poor wee Chino and gave her a very dramatic kiss! Just check R jnr and Anrie's faces! ;-)

Just a follow up on my story about the armed robbery last night: The father of the house, Hein Hack (42) passed away round about 23:00 last night, his injury was very serious, the bullet missed his heart but went right through his lung. The two suspects are still at large, the police are on the look out for two young and tall black men, they were dressed in black and wore black balaclavas as well.

It is só tragic, to think that little family were all together last night, watching a comedy on TV, laughing and chatting, só happy together, and just after 20:00 on Thursday 9 October 2010 their whole world fell apart! Oh, please Lord, do give them strength to survive this horific ordeal!

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