The Old Bat

By battypip

It's rude to stare

I was wandering round the University boating lake this morning, and couldn't resist taking photos of birds and boats... excellent for blipping... then Barker Challenge blipped the very same lake, the very same boats, and probably the very same birds. So I thought, well, I'd better not blip the same sort of scene or people might start to talk... (or it'd make it obvious my photos aren't very good - I had the wrong thingy selected on my camera and I'm not very good at this photography thing, unlike BC) but he challenged me, so here it is...

The cormorant on the left is saying: "I say, it's rude to stare at preening seabirds."

And the seagull is saying: "Ignore those cormorants, they're totally up their own backsides."

You can't see the mallard ducks in the background, but they're busy gossiping with the coots about the blasted interlopers: "Don't they know, this is about as far as you can get from the sea. What on earth do they think they're doing here?"

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