
By dp

A Design For Life

Seems that myself and Mrs DP have the same feelings at the moment re 'life', following yesterday's bored-at-the-moment talk, so it looks like we've got a vague plan for changing things. Watch this space. Come back in a year's time and if I'm still moaning tell me 'you had your chance...'

Cheered up anyway by a parcel in the post - the latest single from Southampton band The Delays - 'Love Made Visible' - a fantastic slab of indie power pop. I really hope 2008 is their year. We're off to see them at a tiny venue in London Village on Thursday which should be good. Check them out!

Anyway this is the fantastic packaging of their single / EP. I was always a sucker for ornate limited edition packaging whilst an indie kid at University. Thought it was a dying art (record companies probably watching margins) so good to see they've thought 'sod it! it'll cost a fortune but we'll go for it!'. Cheers lads!

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