
By supersandie

for Uncle Greg...

2nd Annual Worcester County Poetry Association Gregory Stockmal Reading

Featured Poet
Stephen Cramer

I remember December 21, 2008 like it was yesterday. I went out snowshoeing and took some slightly creepy self portrait photos of myself while in the woods. While trying to find some silence in the sanctuary in city I heard ambulance sirens in the distance. I arrived home and my husband told me to call my mom - "Uncle Greg is in the hospital." I knew in an instant that the sirens were for him...

I phoned mom and learned that Uncle Greg had passed away - he was 58 years old. Cause of death? Heart attack.

Every day since then I think about him; Greg was my uncle, he was my Godfather, he and my aunt Carol provided the official witness signatures on my marriage license. Greg was present at every milestone in my life.

Tonight's readings by Stephen Cramer included many of his own works and some of Stanley Kunitz. There is a long history on Greg, Carol and poet Stanley Kunitz....I'm too tired right now but you can google it :)

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